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Aoieong, R T, Tang, S L and Ahmed, S M (2002) A process approach in measuring quality costs of construction projects: model development. Construction Management and Economics, 20(02), 179-92.

Drew, D S, Lai, P Y, Li, H and Lo, H P (2002) Correcting the fee-technical score variability imbalance in two-envelope fee tendering. Construction Management and Economics, 20(02), 157-66.

Haan, J D, Voordijk, H and Joosten, G-J (2002) Market strategies and core capabilities in the building industry. Construction Management and Economics, 20(02), 109-18.

Ho, S P and Liu, L Y (2002) An option pricing-based model for evaluating the financial viability of privatised infrastructure projects. Construction Management and Economics, 20(02), 143-56.

Leu, S-S and Hung, T-H (2002) A genetic algorithm-based optimal resource-constrained schedule simulation model. Construction Management and Economics, 20(02), 131-41.

Nicolini, D (2002) In search of 'project chemistry'. Construction Management and Economics, 20(02), 167-77.

Sing, T-F (2002) Time to build options in construction processes. Construction Management and Economics, 20(02), 119-30.